Legal Guide

6 Steps for Property Policyholders After a Fire

If you’ve ever been the unfortunate victim of a house fire, you know that fire inflicts devastating property damage. It can lead to a partial or total loss of property, injury, and even death. The sudden nature of this type of disaster often results in lifelong trauma, irreversible devastation, and financial detriment to those affected.

The emotional toll of such a tragedy – property loss or loss of life – can be most difficult to recover from, since some things can never be replaced. Childhood photographs, family heirlooms, and the tragic loss of beloved pets may hit you hardest in your despair.

Still, you know there is a glimmer of light at the end of that dark tunnel. Paying your insurance premiums all those years provides you an emotional blanket. You know you have someone on your side.

Unfortunately, the sense of security you have relied on for so long may turn out to be false. Most people assume that their insurance company is working for them, but in reality they work for themselves. Paying your claim is not their priority. It is common practice for insurance companies to deny claims for differing reasons. In many instances, fire damage claims are denied due to accusations of negligence or arson.

When this happens, “betrayal” is the best word to describe the behavior of the company you’ve been loyal to for so long.

For South Florida homeowners, the threat of fire damage is real. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a national fire risk survey placed five South Florida cities – Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Hollywood, and Miami – among the 100 cities at highest risk for home fires. The survey found that the top causes of home fires tend to be electrical, cooking or candle-related. However, in South Florida, lightning adds to that risk.

Things that we cannot explain in life happen – and when they do, protecting our families and property is our main priority. We have been responsible and paid our bills, and all we ask for in return is the security we expected when we signed that insurance policy.

Have you experienced a house fire? Has your claim been denied or only partially paid? If your answer is yes, then give Louis Law Group a call, a Fire Damage Insurance Claim Lawyer in Florida, for assistance. We will aggressively fight the Florida insurance machine with experienced attorneys who represent policyholders in all aspects of the insurance claims process. Our team of investigators and high-powered attorneys are ready to take on the insurance company attorneys, whose goal is to save your carrier money.

Although the process may be time-consuming, we will work urgently and diligently to recover your insurance claim. Our biggest priority is to make you whole again. Let us represent you so you can get your life, home, and sanity back together. Call us today for a free case evaluation.

If your house has just burned out completely, follow these steps to ensure that your fire damage insurance claim runs smoothly.

  1. Request an incident case number from a fire marshal (this is essential for the fire damage claim process)
  2. Ensure that the fire department has deemed the site safe
  3. Take photos and create a list of damages
  4. Locate the property insurance policy
  5. Contact Louis Law Group to handle your claim
  6. Contact your insurance company

When these steps are followed, you are guaranteed to be on a good road to recovery, having your claim handled, and receiving all your insurance funds.

During your claim process, you and one of our public adjusters will develop a plan and claim management strategy.

Besides your claim, you also have to recover from this tremendous loss. Be sure to read the next chapter for guidelines on how to return to a normal life.

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