Legal Guide

How Do You Process the Personal Injury Claim for a Car

Auto accidents can put your life on hold while you deal with the incident’s aftermath. Painful rehabilitation and lost income can be stressful without bringing the complicated personal injury claim process into the equation.

Although Michigan is a no-fault state, the automobile insurance company may delay or deny your insurance payment. Hiring a knowledgeable car accident attorney in Michigan can remove the burden from your shoulders so you can focus your attention on getting healthy. Your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance adjuster and the auto insurance company for a fair settlement.

What is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury insurance claim compensates for injuries sustained because of the negligence or wrongful act of another. If you have been injured in an accident, you may ‌file a personal injury claim for damages against the responsible party.

How Can a Lawyer Assess an Accident for a Personal Injury Claim?

Determining a motor vehicle accident’s cause is crucial to being able to recover compensation for your damages. Establishing a link between the responsible party’s negligence and your injuries is challenging to do on your own.

A personal injury attorney with a proven track record can help you gather evidence that shows a link between the other driver’s conduct and your financial damages. They can guide you through the accident settlement process, including the possibility of going to court.

Document Injuries and Treatment

You need to gather any other pieces of evidence that may apply to your legal claim. These may include photos and videos of the accident scene, police reports, and witness statements. Your lawyer can obtain surveillance camera footage from local businesses ‌near the accident.

The most important thing you can do after a car accident is seek medical attention for your injuries. This not only ensures that you achieve the best recovery possible, but it also creates a medical record of your injuries. The evidence you gather can help your lawyer form the basis to put together your personal injury settlement.

Negotiate with the Insurance Claims Adjuster

The vast majority of personal injury cases are settled before ever reaching trial. An experienced car accident attorney in Michigan can help conduct all settlement talks for all injuries and damages from a car accident. They can use the evidence to discuss the total amount you need to recover from your injuries, ongoing medical care, and physical pain and suffering.

Two types of damages may be available to a plaintiff in a personal injury case in Michigan: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include any financial losses incurred from the accident, such as medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and cost of repairs. Non-economic damages are more difficult to quantify and include pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Review the Settlement Offer

After negotiations, the auto insurance provider can offer a settlement. If you believe the amount covers your medical expenses and lost wages, including future medical costs and loss of earning capacity due to the accident, you can accept it.

If‌ the insurance company is offering you less than is necessary to recover from your injuries and provide restitution for financial losses and your pain and suffering, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit in court.

Prove Your Case in Court

After your attorney files the appropriate paperwork in court, a court hearing can occur where your legal counsel will be called upon to present the evidence proving your case. If your case goes to trial, your attorney has the litigation skills to present your evidence and arguments before a judge and jury.

Why Hire a Car Accident Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Claim

There are a few reasons to hire legal representation rather than handle car accident claims on your own.

Knowledge of State and Federal Laws

An attorney should have a thorough understanding of state and federal law and will know how to build a strong case on your behalf. Our senior partner, Eileen Kroll, can use her extensive nursing background to help car accident victims build a stronger case based on medical reports and legal arguments.

File Your Personal Injury Claim on Time

Your attorney is familiar with the procedure for filing a claim and can navigate the legal system effectively. Michigan’s statute of limitations for a personal injury claim is three years. An auto accident attorney will ensure that your claim is filed within the time limit so you don’t miss the deadline and lose your chance to recover vital compensation.

Hire a Law Firm With a Proven Personal Injury Claim Track Record

After a car accident, contacting a personal injury lawyer with a history of successful settlements and verdicts can make a difference in the compensation you recover. The attorneys at Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. have a proven track record representing car accident victims.

Our contingency fee basis means we only get paid if we win your case, so there is no financial risk to you to get started. Call our law firm today at 1-866-MICH-LAW (1-866-642-4529) and schedule your no-obligation, free case evaluation.

Disclaimer: The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel, and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.

Bio: Jasmine Holt is a freelance writer specializing in legal content marketing for attorneys and law firms. She enjoys spending time with her family and traveling in her spare time.

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