Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 160)

Do You Need A Lawyer When You Get Bitten by A Dog?

Dogs are considered a man's friend; however, they can be dangerous if mishandled or if they are aggressive by nature. Laws are governing public safety and if dogs bite people, it's a clear violation. According to the Centre for Disease control 38% of households in the US have one or more dogs. As a citizen, you are protected by the constitution and sometimes local subsidiary laws depending on... ❯❯❯

Do You Need a Lawyer For Your Probation Violations?

There’s a lot of confusion that surrounds probation. Many people who are on probation sentences may not know exactly what they can/cannot do, or the consequences of violating guidelines set by the court. As a result, it isn’t unusual for people to find themselves facing a probation hearing. Everyone under probation should be aware that probations are actually a form of deferred sentencing. In... ❯❯❯

How can you stop foreclosure?

Foreclosure is generally due to the homeowner falling behind on their mortgage payments. However, foreclosure can also occur when you failed to pay your property taxes or someone is leveraging a mechanic's lien against your home. It could even be done by an HOA, if they filed a lien against your home for unpaid HOA dues. But how can you stop foreclosure? Let's look at a few options. Bankruptcy ... ❯❯❯

We Need to Pay Attention to Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of vehicle accidents. None of us are focused, all the time when we drive, but some of us are far worse than others. We can be distracted by kids in the car, adjusting the air conditioning, using an app to get directions, or making videos of ourselves driving. Depending on your speed, how close other vehicles and objects are around you, it might only take a... ❯❯❯

Why You Should Work with a Personal Injury Attorney

Why You Should Work with a Personal Injury AttorneyHiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is crucial, especially if you’ve been involved in an accident. Experienced attorneys from Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law will assist you in getting compensation from an accident and handling the paperwork for you. Also, he or she will deal with the insurance firm so that you get what you deserve. Understanding the time you require to work with a... ❯❯❯

Six Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Car Accident Lawsuit

Six Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Car Accident LawsuitRoad accidents are unpredictable and frightening. The aftermath of the accident also involves a lot of traumatizing and tiring sessions to both the innocent and guilty parties. During this time, you are dealing with insurance companies, lawsuits, and healing sessions. It is, therefore, advisable that you remain as careful as possible to avoid causing more trouble to the already existing problems.... ❯❯❯

The Top 7 Common Reasons Couples Get A Divorce

The Top 7 Common Reasons Couples Get A DivorceMarriages are an exciting beginning for all couples. However, the journey down the line of marriage can sometimes get rocky, then cracks begin to form. When the cracks in a marriage cannot be mended, divorce is inevitable. The peculiarities in divorce cases vary. These peculiarities have resulted in inquisitions into what causes divorces. The most common reasons for divorces are examined below: ... ❯❯❯

Law Firm Review Guide

Dealing with the good and bad of reviews as a law firm, or any business, can be tough but often rewarding. In the legal industry, reviews can be quite volatile. We at MileMark Media designed this quick guide to give our insight on the review process, contact our legal marketing experts any time for more information. Local Presence Your law firm’s online local presence depends how much time you... ❯❯❯

How Hiring The Right Criminal Defense Lawyer Affects Your Case

How Hiring The Right Criminal Defense Lawyer Affects Your CaseHiring a criminal defense lawyer is essential, regardless of whether you are charged with domestic violence or for driving under the influence of alcohol. The reason for this is that the court outcome will have a significant impact on your future. Therefore, you must never overlook the importance of having a qualified criminal defense attorney represent you in court. Are you still skeptical of... ❯❯❯

Filing a Domestic Violence Complaint in Columbus Ohio

Procedures For Reporting a Domestic Violence Incident              An alleged victim does not need the assistance of an attorney to file a domestic violence complaint in Columbus, Ohio. Typically, calls are placed to law enforcement, who respond to a 911 call. Police arrive, place the alleged abuser under arrest, and issue a warrant. The warrant must be in compliance with Fourth Amendment... ❯❯❯

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