Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 22)

We Need To Tell the Truth about Deportation

The immigration and deportation discourse is among America's most polarizing topics and one riddled with the most misrepresentations. One of the notions frequently highlighted in the news and political commentaries is deportation being a punitive measure.  However, going by the U.S. Supreme Court's consistent rulings, it's clear that deportation is not a criminal penalty, and thus would be wrong... ❯❯❯

2024 Guide for an Aggravated DUI

It is a severe criminal offense to drive under the influence of alcohol. Sometimes, aggravating factors in a DUI matter can make the motorist face enhanced criminal consequences, more severe charges, or a higher probability of sentences. Dissecting Aggravated DUI The US forbids operating a vehicle with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or more. Such an act is already an offense, but... ❯❯❯

New Jersey Car Accident Laws 2024 Guide: How the Law Works

New Jersey is among the states with lower-than-average car accident prevalence rates. Sadly, the low prevalence rates do not mean anything to the individuals who find themselves in an accident.  However, they can find reprieve in the fact that they can recover damages for harm caused by the negligent actions or inactions of others. Understanding how New Jersey car accident laws work is the first... ❯❯❯

The Growth of Yum Franchisee Emerge Inc. Amidst Pizza Hut Purchase

Emerge Inc. is a Houston-based franchise under Pizza Hut that continues to seize opportunities to grow its portfolio. More so, as the Pizza Huts brand adds 36 more stores in San Antonio, Emerge Inc.’s unit count increases to 84. Kamal Singh, the Emerge Inc. CEO, makes sellers understand that the franchisee will pay if their deal fits Emerge Inc.’s long-term vision. Pizza Hut’s expansion and... ❯❯❯

Five Common Types of Child Custody Arrangements

Divorcing or separating couples have important decisions to make, including who gains custody of the children and what type of custody. Child custody refers to a parent's rights and responsibility over a child's upbringing, care, and control. This article discusses the five types of child custody arrangements: legal, sole, physical, joint, and bird's nest. Legal Custody In this type of... ❯❯❯

Had a Car Accident?

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatizing experience, and the aftermath can be equally challenging. In such situations, hiring an attorney can make a significant difference in protecting your rights and helping you navigate the legal complexities. However, choosing the right one can be daunting with countless attorneys available. You must do more than walk into or call a law firm,... ❯❯❯

A Step-by-Step Guide to Divorce

Divorce is often challenging and painful as it comes with emotional and financial trauma. It also involves navigating a complicated legal process. While no two divorce proceedings are precisely the same, most have the same general format.  This article discusses the procedures for divorce.  Step One: File the Divorce Petition A divorce petition signals the commencement of the divorce process.... ❯❯❯

Rear-End Collisions: Not Just Fender Benders

While many envision rear-end collisions as simple fender benders and see them in films where two love-struck individuals meet following a traffic bump, the truth is far less idyllic. The NHTSA reveals that rear-end collisions make up over 23 percent of car crashes in the United States. Even more concerning is the medical evidence suggesting that whiplash, a frequent injury from these collisions,... ❯❯❯

Why Is There a Surge in Shoplifting?

Shoplifting has recently become a sport of sorts as individuals have started to do it more frequently. Globally businesses face over $45 billion in economic losses every year due to the increase in shoplifting. Perhaps the most affected region in the United States of America is the bay area. Local chain grocery stores have had to shut down their branches in certain areas due to these incidents,... ❯❯❯

5 Ways a Personal Injury Attorney Can Assist You in the Claims Process

It is often complex and challenging to navigate a claims process for many reasons. Specifically, insurers' complexities and shrewdness can negatively affect you. That is why you need a personal injury lawyer’s support and guidance.  The legal complexities have made many claimants wait one to three years before receiving a settlement. It is advisable to speak with a lawyer if you want fair... ❯❯❯

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