Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 235)

Infographic: The Mystery of Genetic History

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What are Internet Lawyers?

With the increasing use of the Internet by businesses there are many legal problems that arise specifically because of this technology. For instance, when you have a website, then you need a contract between your company and the users of the website. If your website is hacked, this can lead to legal problems that need to be resolved. Additionally, traditional laws such as copyright laws and... ❯❯❯

Property and Debt: How Are Both Divided in a Divorce?

In an ideal world, everyone would end up with their perfect marital partner the first time walking down the aisle. But divorce, it seems, is a necessary evil. After all, if we did it up old school, people would just accuse their wives of treason and have them beheaded rather than going through divorce, a la Henry VIII. Sometimes we think that love is enough (it usually isn’t). Sometimes people... ❯❯❯

5 Personal Injury Medical Bill Tips Following a Car Accident

Getting into a car collision can be scary, jolting and life altering. If you suffered an injury after a collision, it can be even more life altering. And when the dust finally settles, it is important to file an insurance claim, because there is a good chance that your medical bills are mounting. When it comes down to it, filing a claim to have your medical bills covered is relatively easy and... ❯❯❯

Common Law and Corroboration: Scottish Criminal Law Vs. English Criminal Law

Scotland’s existence as part of the United Kingdom has always been a somewhat awkward and uncomfortable situation for all involved. With an unwieldy doubling of parliaments and other aspects of government under the world’s most successful (and permanent) personal union, Scotland has been in a unique position for centuries. This unique position has allowed Scotland to preserve its own systems over... ❯❯❯

How Will Your SSD Case Be Handled by Your Attorney?

While there are subtle and major differences in how an SSD lawyer might handle your case, there are several key similarities between how SSD lawyers build and manage cases. If you’ve recently hired a lawyer to help with your social security claim, it’s important that you understand how the process works so that you can be better prepared and so that you can have a good relationship with your... ❯❯❯

Protecting yourself from identity theft

Not a day goes by without some news story of a major data breach, the personal information of millions being stolen from a seemingly trustworthy and secure business. In addition to direct and indirect financial loss, identity theft and the theft of personal financial data cause severe emotional distress for the victims. Adding to the hardship, the same company that allowed the theft of information... ❯❯❯

Deciding Whether to File Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: What’s the Difference?

If there’s one thing that none of us ever plan to do, it’s filing bankruptcy. Yet sometimes we lose our jobs and/or our bills become overwhelming and after a lot of contemplation, we realize that it really is the best thing to for us. If you’re currently thinking about filing for bankruptcy and you’d like to know if it would prove to be best to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, we have provided... ❯❯❯

Divorce Attorney Consultations: 5 Questions to Ask

These days it is estimated that somewhere between a third and half of all marriages are bound to end in divorce. And while nobody thinks on their wedding day that their marital bliss could end in separation and a bitter lawsuit, the truth is that you very nearly have even odds of staying together or getting divorced. Of course, taking the time to get to know someone before you get hitched can... ❯❯❯

Cyclists vs. Motorists: The War on Blame

Cyclists vs. Motorists: The War on BlameThere is a long held dispute between cyclists and motorists about who has right of way on the British highway. Motorists argue that cyclists don’t have to pass a road safety test, or pay any tax to use the road network; cyclists argue that motorists think they own the road and show cyclists little consideration, such as by not giving them sufficient space or cutting them up in an effort to get... ❯❯❯

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