Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 241)

How to Know if an Annuity No Longer Fits Your Needs

Annuities can be great products. They provide a lifetime income stream for you when you retire or when you receive money as part of a settlement. However, annuities aren't always the best product for everyone. Annuities can be problematic when you need a lump sum of cash for one reason or another. How do you know if your annuity no longer fits your needs?  Do You Have Major Life Events That... ❯❯❯

5 Common Small Business Legal Mistakes to Avoid

Starting your own small business is bound to be a process fraught with mistakes, but so long as you have the right people in place to offer you advice and the wealth of their considerable experience, you should be able to avoid the pitfalls commonly associated with launching a business enterprise. That said, one of the most important areas to address is legal issues since a big mistake in this... ❯❯❯

Asleep at the Wheel: Dangers of Drowsy Driving

When most people think of dangerous driving, they think of driving under the influence or road rage. However, something that a lot of adults seem to do without realizing how dangerous it can be is drive while they are drowsy. In fact, studies show that about 60% of adult drivers have driven while drowsy in just the last year. Of the those 60%, 37% have even admitted to downright falling asleep at... ❯❯❯

5 Factors for Law Firms to Consider When Hiring a Document Shredding Company

These days, privacy is everything. If you are a law firm, privacy is even more important. Client information, depositions, financial records and any other form of confidential documentation can start to build up. Sure, you have to digitize most of it, but what about the tangible records that you are required to keep? There probably aren’t enough file cabinets to keep it all in. This is why it is... ❯❯❯

Arc Flash Precautions, Dangers and Safety (Infographic)

Presented by AmericanTrainco HVAC training... ❯❯❯

How to Select and Prepare the Best Expert Witness

Expert witnesses may be called upon to testify in all different kinds of court cases, and they can provide some of the most crucial testimony, potentially swaying the jury in favor of the prosecution or defense with the evidence and opinions they deliver. These witnesses can come from nearly any field or background, depending on the scope of the case, so you might find that you need an expert in... ❯❯❯

5 States With Weak Gun Control Laws

Each state has its fair share of gun control laws. Some states are more lenient than others and some are more strict. Many proponents of gun control will be quick to say that lenient gun control laws lead to more gun deaths, but proponents of the second amendment will argue that it means there needs to be less gun control laws. When it comes down to it, we may never know what side is winning, but... ❯❯❯

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

There’s no question that the medical profession is a life-saving one. However, when you’re dealing with issues that are directly related to people’s health, sometimes there can be conflicts. And if those things are not properly addressed, it can lead to a series of legal and ethical issues; especially if you’re a doctor or nurse. So, if you’re currently studying to become a nurse or you’ve just... ❯❯❯

The Most Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

When you find yourself in need of a criminal defense attorney, you might be willing to settle for the first lawyer that comes your way, or the one that’s willing to take on your case pro bono. But this could be a costly mistake – one that might land you in jail. You’re better off paying the money for a respected criminal defense attorney that has a solid record of acquittal in cases like yours.... ❯❯❯

3 Reasons to File a Yaz Lawsuit

Yaz is a fairly popular contraception pill taken by women in a broad age range. If you have taken it, however, you may be susceptible to certain illnesses. Unfortunately, some of these illnesses are life threatening and may result in a lot of medical bills. If you have any cardiovascular, liver, and vein problems after taking Yaz for birth control, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the... ❯❯❯

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