Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 243)

Techniques That Clever Lawyers Use To Help Persuade A Jury

Techniques That Clever Lawyers Use To Help Persuade A JuryLawyers throughout time have been portrayed as being clever, witty, and at times, even quite nefarious. Though, they all do not practice such shady arts in the courtroom, there are a definite few who will make attempts at black-hat tactics to win a case. Most lawyers are probably already aware of these various strategies, but regular folks should also know them as well. The reason being that in... ❯❯❯

Getting Ready for a DUI Arraignment

Getting Ready for a DUI ArraignmentBeing especially careful while driving isn't a hundred percent assurance that you won't be getting into a road traffic accident. There are several external factors to consider, such as the driving methods of other vehicle operators, road and weather conditions, or even careless bystanders or pedestrians. If you do get into a serious automobile accident or if you get caught driving under the... ❯❯❯

Common Bail Bond Scams Used by Dishonest Bail Bond Agents

The best way that you can protect yourself against unscrupulous bail bond agents is to know the common bail bond scams that they use on their unsuspecting victims. By knowing their common tactics, you can easily protect yourself or your loved one who is in jail from money and collateral loss, identity theft, and more trouble with the law. An Unexpected Call Booking information can easily be... ❯❯❯

Things To Consider When Writing Your Will

Writing a will is something many of us do not like to think about but it really is something you need to condsider. Assets First of all you should really consider all of your assets and then compile a list. When doing this you should include anything of value, such as cash (bank accounts), pension, jewellery, property, land, vehicles and shares etc. It is important that your assets are valued... ❯❯❯

The Truth about Hit and Run Accidents

If you find yourself involved in an automobile accident in which there is damage to property or injury to a person, leaving the scene of that accident is a serious crime. Depending on the degree of damage, this charge may be either a misdemeanor or a felony. What you should do at an Accident Scene A person involved in an accident has a certain responsibility after the fact. To avoid criminal... ❯❯❯

How to Find a Good Lawyer for Your Business

As a small business owner, there will be times when you need a lawyer. Whether it's to handle the issue of starting a partnership or handling a defective product, you will need a good lawyer. With so many lawyers to choose from, how do you know which is best for your business? Let's take a closer look at how to find a good lawyer for your business. Consider the Issue at Hand When many small... ❯❯❯

Do you Really need at Attorney to Collect Workers Compensation?

As Americans, we live in a country that luckily has provisions for people who are injured on the job. As we all know, there are tons of places where working conditions are not only dangerous, but their government has no intention of regulating them to create a fair environment for both employer and employee. However, just because a system is in place, doesn’t mean that it is intuitive in... ❯❯❯

Advantages Of Knowing Employment Law

Employment laws are the laws laid down in a country to protect employees from unfair or harsh treatment from employers. They cover a wide range of areas such as discrimination, working overtime, nature of the working environment, appropriate pay, sick leaves and even work regulations for aliens. Employment law is one area of law that is very dynamic as the creation and adjustment of new and... ❯❯❯

What Is a Petty Crime and Does It Make Me a Criminal?

We all know that public drunkenness, pick pocketing and other such crimes are punishable by law. They carry fines and are considered criminal offences but are not severe enough to be deemed as major offences. The name given to these smaller crimes is petty crime, and laws vary widely on this subject. Here is what you need to know about petty crimes, what are the punishments awarded, and the legal... ❯❯❯

What Can a Lawyer Do for a DUI?

You or a family member may be arrested for driving under the influence of liquor, commonly called DUI. Anyone can unintentionally drink too much, get behind the wheel and be stopped for DUI. But harsh federal laws mean that if you are arrested for DUI, you should call an experienced lawyer for the best possible legal representation. While laws differ from state to state, federal regulations... ❯❯❯

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