Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 248)

What To Do If You’re Involved in a Road Traffic Accident

Accidents are, unfortunately, are a part of driving. However, being prepared and knowing what to do afterwards will mean that you won’t add stress to the already upsetting situation. Be Prepared You should keep an accident pack in your car that includes a pen and notebook at the very least. Ideally include a disposable camera in case your phone is damaged. It could also include things like food... ❯❯❯

How to Limit Your Risk and Liability As a Landlord

Being a landlord isn’t always the easy life that many property owners imagine when they start leasing residences. The landlord’s life is a major source of stress for many, and can be a very risky business for the uninformed. If you haven’t got all your bases covered as a property owner, then you could be leaving yourself open to significant risk and liability from several different directions.... ❯❯❯

What Are the Legal Limitations for Private Investigators?

Contrary to what the movies, television, radio and any other form of media tells you, private detectives aren’t above the law. Movies are quick to promulgate the social fallacy that private investigators are a lawless bunch – snooping through people’s property, breaking into homes, tapping phones, or doing anything else that is highly illegal for a private citizen to do. Yes, private investigators... ❯❯❯

Legal Marketing and Social Media

While many choose to resist the vortex of social media, its benefits cannot be overstated. Oftentimes I have my worries about the younger generations and being born into a world in which social media is everywhere. The benefits social media offers to businesses and legal firms cannot be stressed enough. Using it as a attorney marketing platform, your business as a whole, or to get your own name... ❯❯❯

Personal Injury FAQ

Every year, many people suffer personal injuries, whether in public places, on the road, or even at work. For many people, these personal injuries can cause massive inconvenience, considerable pain and discomfort and can mean having to take time off work. This is why those who fall victim to such injuries, may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. If your personal injury has resulted... ❯❯❯

Writing a Will: FAQ

Writing a will is something that many of us keep intending to do but never quite get around to. With today's fast pace of life, many of us have little enough time to do the things that we want or need to do without having to think about something that we hope we won't need for many years to come. However, a will is an extremely important document and is not something that should be organised... ❯❯❯

Marijuana Possession Laws in Arizona

Marijuana laws across the nation seem to change every year. Some states have decriminalized recreational use, some allow medical marijuana and some still criminalize possession of pot for any reason. In Arizona, state law allows for the use of marijuana in limited circumstances, and the penalties for violating marijuana laws are very steep. Violating Arizona marijuana law can lead to felony... ❯❯❯

5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Patent Attorney

If you’ve got an idea that you think could be the next big thing, your first step will be filing a patent. This is the legal claim that the idea is 100% original, protecting you from being plagiarized by anyone else who tries to snag the idea out from under you further down the line. It’s an important step in the invention and development of any new product or service, and you must be sure you... ❯❯❯

5 Ways to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents in the Workplace

As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. There never seem to be enough resources to execute all of your plans, and with the economy stuck in a recession you’ve constantly got to figure out ways to do less than more. There’s the battle to keep the best and the brightest employees from being recruited away by major corporations that can offer better pay and larger benefits... ❯❯❯

5 Law School Final Exam Study Tips

If you’re heading into the second half of a semester at law school, you’re probably well familiar with the workload involved in the program. It’s probably more than you’ve ever had to contend with before, but you’ve had some experience and risen to the challenge. Now there’s a new hurdle to leap, the final exam. And that is going to be unlike anything else you’ve done up until this point. In many... ❯❯❯

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