Picture: Clark Van Der Beken
While you hope never to be involved in a car accident, they can happen when you least expect it. As there’s generally no time to prepare for such a traumatic experience, you may not know what to do when you are in this situation. After being involved in a car accident that’s not your fault, it’s important not to panic. Instead, you may see the value in doing some of... ❯❯❯
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Of all of the vehicles currently travelling on American roadways, trucks are responsible for the highest number of deadly accidents. Many trucking companies are behind these accidents instead of the drivers being at fault.
Trucks cause almost 5,000 fatal accidents in the USA each year. They cause so many accidents that the National Safety Council issues separate advice to trucking... ❯❯❯
By Steven M. Gursten, attorney and president of Michigan Auto Law Introduction Getting into a car accident is stressful, and it can be even more so when you're trying to figure out how to go about getting compensation for your injuries. Although there are many do-it-yourself car accident settlement calculators that can be found on the internet, the best way to get an accurate and reliable... ❯❯❯
So, you’ve passed the bar and started your own law firm. You may now be wondering, how exactly to get a multitude of clients in the door. It’s no secret that the majority of people looking for a law firm simply type “[enter speciality] law firm near me”, and will typically visit the top 3 firms that pop up in the search results pages. But, how exactly do you get your website in the top results? ... ❯❯❯
No one wants to be the victim of a crime, but unfortunately, it happens every day. There are steps you can take, however, to minimize your chances of becoming a victim and needing a crime victim advocate. Here are some crucial tips on how to avoid being a victim of crime. 1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings If you're walking down the street, pay attention to who is around you and what they're... ❯❯❯
Establishing a private limited company in Thailand is a bit complex. Foreign investors across the world find the country a perfect place to grow a business.
The reason behind this is a healthy economy over the past years which attracts more and more investors. My Thai Company in Bangkok helps a lot of entrepreneurs planning to do business abroad. They find ways to finish company registration as... ❯❯❯
No driver ever leaves the house thinking they’ll be involved in a car accident. Yet, somehow everyday car accidents happen. Therefore, it’s important to know what to do if you ever get into one. After a car accident, check to see if you’ve been injured, gather witnesses, and take some photos. Call 911 and file a police report, then get yourself a lawyer. Auto accident injury lawyers can help you... ❯❯❯
The car accident was a shock, but now you're dealing with insurance companies and lawyers. You don't have time to deal with anything else. You just want to get back on your feet again, which means getting the compensation you need for your injuries. If you've been in a car accident or have been injured at work, it's necessary to avoid these things after meeting with an attorney:
Stay Silent
The... ❯❯❯
Criminal defense law is an area of law that deals with issues having to do with criminal charges. Today, there are many systems of defense lawyers in use, and it is often the responsibility of an experienced criminal defense lawyer to identify the best system for a particular trial. Whether you're defending yourself, or someone else, it is important to be conversant with the major criminal... ❯❯❯
If you applied for an American green card, you probably did not get it immediately. Instead, you got a date called a “priority date.” Many places in the United States have customer service desks that ask you to “take a number.” The priority date is kind of like that. The government can only issue so many green cards for some categories, so they must wait. But now that you know the answer to... ❯❯❯