Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 82)

Expert Guidance When Handling Pre- and Post-Marital Agreements

When you get married, it is likely your thoughts are purely optimistic. You and your spouse are looking forward to a happy and long life shared together. While it is great to think positively, there are also reasons to make sure that you are able to protect your assets in the event that things don’t go how you would sincerely like them to. Considering making pre-marital and post-marital arrangemen... ❯❯❯

Can a DUI Lead to Deportation?

Can a DUI Lead to Deportation?You have just been arrested for a DUI. You are upset about it, even if you don't think that it is a big deal. However, since your fingerprints were taken at the time of your arrest, they are now on file with the federal government. This may cause you problems when you try to become a Canadian citizen. Why is this a Problem for Residents & Non-Residents? The Canadian government has set up rules... ❯❯❯

What To Do If You Are Charged for Sexual Assault

What To Do If You Are Charged for Sexual AssaultSexual assault is a problem that affects millions of people in the United States. Victims will often feel like they can't go on, especially when legal action is necessary. Then there is the other side of the coin - what happens when you’ve been falsely accused of sexual assault. What do you do? Here, we will discuss how to defend yourself through legal action and what information you should be... ❯❯❯

How to file damage compensation for Nevada Dog Bites?

The CDC reports that nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year and about 800,000 of those cases result in the need for medical attention. This means that one out of every 73 persons will be bitten by a dog, which is a frightening thing to think about. The question is, what does a person do about a dog bite after it occurs? What legal remedies can be pursued?... ❯❯❯

Building a business as an attorney

Building a business as an attorneyStarting any kind of business can be difficult and building an attorney practice can be challenging. Finding a new client base and making yourself noticed is important. This article provides you with some tips on how to build a business as an attorney.   People have been confronted with a different working situation during the pandemic. Being forced to work from home has been a relief for some... ❯❯❯

Things you need to Know about Law Firm Marketing Automation and Analytics

In the past, all law firms did for marketing was to send emails to potential clients with little follow-up, or to publish a blog once in a while. Now, law firms are using marketing automation and analytics to grow their clientele. The right personalized messages can help your law firm reach out to your dream clients when they need your assistance. Law firm marketing automation helps you stay in... ❯❯❯

Ayuda Legal: Marketing Your Law Firm to a Spanish Speaking Market

Did you know that the United States has the second largest Spanish speaking population in the world? English is spoken in 13% of American homes. That makes it the number one non-English language in the United States. Why are these facts so important for you and your law firm? It points out to the fact that you can’t ignore Spanish-speakers when it comes to marketing your law firm. How the... ❯❯❯

Identifying workplace discrimination: Hostile work environment lawyers

Identifying workplace discrimination: Hostile work environment lawyersWe all expect to be in a mutually respectful environment when we go to work. Interaction, job satisfaction, and creativity all benefit from this foundation of workplaces. Some workplaces, on the other hand, do not treat all employees equally. Even if discrimination is against the law, it can nonetheless occur. Types of discrimination that are based on age, religion, race, gender, dress code, or... ❯❯❯

What is a Probate Attorney - A Complete Guide

Do you know who a Probate Attorney is? Do you know what services a Probate Lawyer renders? Do you need an experienced Estate Attorney?  In this complete guide, you will get to know who a Probate Lawyer is, the services they render, and how to know if you need an Estate Attorney or not. You will also get to know what questions to ask before retaining the services of a Probate Lawyer. This guide... ❯❯❯

Attorney Anthony Van Johnson Continues To Help Clients

Attorney Anthony Van Johnson is an example of an attorney who has been a pillar for many in Georgia, with clients in over forty 40 courts. Law impacts many parts of our lives; there are laws to adhere to when doing almost everything. As a result, it is impossible to live without seeking the guidance of a lawyer. Lawyers who are also known as attorneys act as advocates and advisors in our... ❯❯❯

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