Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 90)

Do Unmarried Parents Have Equal Rights?

According to Australian family law, children have a right to enjoy a good relationship with both parents. They have the right to be protected from any kind of harm. While making decisions about children, Australian courts consider the child's best interests and the circumstances under which the child will be protected. If you and your partner are looking for more information about parenting laws... ❯❯❯

How to Find the Best Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident may force you to put your life on hold. Depending upon the severity of your injuries, there’s a good chance you’ll be forced to take time off from work or miss school. It often takes quite a while to recover from the physical and emotional trauma. Furthermore, medical bills can begin to pile up quickly. If another driver is at fault, you’ll need to file a claim with the person’s... ❯❯❯

What To Expect If Sentenced To Probation

What To Expect If Sentenced To Probation  Whether you have entered a guilty plea or the ruling was handed down by the court system, it is important to know what to expect if sentenced to probation. Most of us have a good understanding of the basic idea of probation, but there are some common misunderstandings that can result in real problems for you later.  That’s why we’re going to break down... ❯❯❯

Why You Should Hire a Law Firm SEO Agency for Your Legal Practice

Why You Should Hire a Law Firm SEO Agency for Your Legal PracticeSearch engine optimization. We hear it a lot when several businesses talk about digital marketing but rarely does it come up when we talk about advertising for law firms. And why should it? When people think of law firms, they usually imagine a courtroom, a mean-looking jury, and tons and tons of complex legal jargon flying around the room. Significantly few people can associate legal practices... ❯❯❯

What Can You Do If Your Long-Term Care Insurance Claim Is Denied?

What Can You Do If Your Long-Term Care Insurance Claim Is Denied?Each long-term care insurance policy is different, which gives you many options for discovering which is best for you in terms of benefits, coverage, and limits. However, this can become overwhelming if you are denied long term care insurance claim lawyer. On top of the usual red tape maze that can come with handling insurance corporations and insurance claims agents, being denied this type of... ❯❯❯

What are the Rules of Copyright?

What are the Rules of Copyright?Copyright is the legal protection that allows creators to control how their content is used by others. The concept of copyright law in the United States has changed dramatically over time. This article will provide you with a basic understanding of your rights when it comes to copyrighted material. Works Eligible for Copyrights A work must consist of original intellectual contributions that... ❯❯❯

Basic Anatomy of Personal Injury Actions

Basic Anatomy of Personal Injury ActionsWhen you get into an unfortunate accident and suffer life-changing injuries, you should seek compensation for your damages. It is unfair that you struggled due to someone else’s neglectful actions and have to live with the consequences. When you seek a settlement for your personal injury, you should take tried and proven steps that can show who is liable and at fault for your damages. Your... ❯❯❯

Siblings Abusing Power of Attorney... What Can I Do?

A Power of Attorney is a very serious legal document. Sometimes only one sibling will be named as a Power of Attorney. But what if things go wrong? If you have siblings abusing Power of Attorney, you may be wondering, “what can I do?” A Power of Attorney gives someone the right to act in your stead should you be incapacitated - should you be unable to look after your affairs. This person is... ❯❯❯

Why Should You Know About Compensatory Damages?

Why Should You Know About Compensatory Damages?Compensatory damages are the sum of money awarded to the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit to compensate them for the damage or injury that they suffered. Compensatory damages are designed to "compensate" for the losses suffered by the plaintiff, making them whole.  For example, if a person’s negligence while driving caused someone else to become injured in an accident, the court may award the victim... ❯❯❯

Tips for Getting the Best Personal Injury Settlement

Tips for Getting the Best Personal Injury SettlementBeing in an accident and suffering injuries is not something you ever want to have to deal with. However, accidents do happen, and injuries often accompany them. And once you find yourself injured and dealing with mountains of bills while trying to recover your health, you may come to the realization that you have to file a legal claim against whoever is responsible for your injuries. At this... ❯❯❯

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