Legal Guide

Keeping Your Divorce Moving: Legal Actions You Can Still Take Remotely

It seems as though major life events rarely wait for the prior event to finish before starting. If you began your divorce proceedings in the past month or two, or are looking to begin, you probably understand that this means that despite much of the country being on lockdown and many law firms choosing to close their physical offices, you may still need legal assistance and to finalize your divorce. While COVID-19 will likely slow your case down, it doesn’t need to bring it to a standstill. Here are some things you can do to keep your case moving forward from the comfort of your home.

Ask Your Lawyer About Their Remote Meeting Capabilities

If you already have an attorney, make sure you know about their remote meeting options. In-person meetings might not be possible or advisable for awhile, so you will need to get comfortable with discussing your case over the phone.

Gather (and Scan) Your Important Documents

The divorce process requires a plethora of documents. These can include:

  • Pay stubs
  • Tax returns
  • Property deeds
  • Wills
  • Retirement account statements
  • Credit card statements

Ask your attorney for a comprehensive list of all the documents you will need, and take your time at home to find and scan all of them. Label and organize them well on your computer; this will be a huge timesaver in the future. By having everything prepped and ready to send to your attorney you will be able to expedite much of the process.

Get Comfortable with DocuSign and Video Calls

If your attorney is set up for remote meetings and document sharing, one of the best things you can do for them is to be proficient in their chosen platform(s). For the health and safety of the attorney’s firm and their other clients, they will likely prefer that you do remote meetings. Even if they have in-person options, you should be keeping it remote for the foreseeable future.

Ask Your Attorney What You Can Do

Many family law cases never have to go to court. Given that a lot of courts are closing or reducing their daily cases, this is something to be aimed for. If you can complete your divorce without needing to go to court, you will be able to finalize it almost entirely remotely. This isn’t always an option, especially in cases where the divorce isn’t exactly collaborative, which is why you should ask your attorney about how you can help to streamline and facilitate your case. They will be able to give you advice on your specific case.

Be Patient and Stay Calm

Unless you are in active danger due to your marriage and need immediate help with your divorce, you will need to adjust your expectations and be prepared for things to move slowly. While some things are in your control, many things are not. These things include other clients your attorney may be handling, court closures, and an overwhelmed system. Keep these things in mind and follow the advice of your attorney.

Good luck and stay safe.

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