Legal Guide

4 Things You Must Know Before Filing A Personal Injury Claim

Claims are meant to be paid or compensated in due time. However, sometimes the claims are not paid out due to several hiccups. The hiccups might be out of the company’s ignorance, or because you were not well-informed about how you are supposed to go about it. Due to either of this, your claim might be denied, or it might not be paid to your expectations. To be on the safe side, always ensure that you know what is expected of you during such a period. You can consult a lawyer or even ask the insurance company to explain to you what is expected of you. To make sure you are doing the right thing, below are things you need to ensure you have covered before filing for any claim;

  1. It is not a right of payment

People always have high expectations of everything. Occasionally, you buy an item only to realize that it’s not as good as it was advertised to be. So, be careful with any insurance policy you sign up for, because many people take up insurance policies with an expectation of getting paid back their money in due time, which is often never the case. Always understand how an insurance policy works. Sometimes you might get compensated, and sometimes you might not. Be ready for either of the two options. Putting your hopes high then getting no money can give you a lot of headaches, which might even result in depression and regrets.

  1. Time limits

According to, a time limit is a span in which something should be done. Everything has a time limit including insurance policies. You should therefore be time conscious when reporting any personal injury. It will appear as if you are not serious if you report an injury after three years. You need to understand the time limit you have before you can report any claim. Some insurance companies require you to report immediately, while others have a time allowance. Some injuries might be severe to an extent that you can't move from one place to another. In such cases, you can contact your lawyer and let him or her handle everything on your behalf. If the time limit passes, the claim expires.

  1. Details

The major injustice you can do to yourself is forgetting details of the accident. These details in most cases determine the outcome of your claim. You should always record these details. You need to have proper information of when the accident happened, how it happened, and where it happened. Sometimes you need to be specific when giving information. Specifics like the timeframe will narrow the investigation process. When you have every detail in place, it gives room for a stronger case.

  1. Visual evidence

If you happen to have any recording of the accident, the stronger your case will be. Sometimes you need more than a word of mouth account to win compensation. Pictures are more believable. You can also record video clips. Video clips give a clearer picture of how events unfolded until the last minute. Before filing a claim, you need sufficient evidence to support your case. You can find a top-rated Buffalo personal injury lawyer to help you determine the best evidence.

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