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Attorney Owolabi M. Salis Introduces Dynamic Education Project

Owolabi Salis is a multi-award-winning attorney at law, legal firm owner, and political consultant from Brooklyn, New York. The global legal firm owner is one of the names behind a pioneering and much-needed dynamic education project.

The project is known as EDUFIN. Its fiscal policies for education financing and skills retention seek to benefit Salis's native Nigeria and other nations worldwide. EDUFIN results from tireless work by the attorney and his team at Salis Law.

Global legal firm Salis Law first opened its doors in 1992. The firm provides legal solutions to individuals, businesses, and other organizations, including international governments. Its owner travels regularly between the U.S. and Nigeria as an in-demand political consultant.

The Brain Building Project

EDUFIN is also known as The Brain Building Project. The project and its fiscal policies are designed by its creators to be self-sustainable and dynamic. Furthermore, the project exists as part of a broader equity concept. This overarching equity concept ensures that access to education is available to all.

Whether in the U.S., Nigeria, or elsewhere globally, political consultant Owolabi Salis's pioneering dynamic education project is designed to reach everyone. That includes those living in, for example, at-risk or underprivileged communities.

How the Project Works

As a fiscal policy and financial mechanism, The Brain Building Project works by drawing on readily available existing resources. These are resources selected for their suitability in enhancing the educational capacity of a given area.

Determining such resources and their suitability relies on focusing on what Salis calls WCA. WCA stands for Wish, Capacity, and Access. The Salis Law owner explains that this entails a wish for education in a particular field, the capacity to undergo the necessary studies, and adequate access to funding.

The project's roots exist in the theory that knowledge is the world's most valuable security.

Transforming Materials Into Values

Using the WCA model, EDUFIN is poised to transform existing resources directly into one or more education-focused values. Because knowledge is so valuable, Owolabi Salis insists it must be well-financed. Not only that, but in line with EDUFIN's WCA principles, it must also be comprehensively maintained, protected, and retained.

The Brain Building Project recognizes that almost any nation's prosperity rests on how well-managed its educational resources are. Taking this into account, it provides solutions for improving educational economies. It also directly promotes autonomy.

Other cornerstones of Salis Law's value-focused Brain Building Project are addressing equal financial opportunities, exploring solutions to inadequate access to education, and promoting ongoing efforts to improve family values. The result is that the project is simultaneously competitive, democratic, and self-sustainable in design.

Other Advantages of EDUFIN

  • Easily administered
  • Economically beneficial
  • Educationally competitive
  • Financially robust for schools
  • High education standards promoted
  • In-school discipline maintained
  • Modernization of school infrastructure
  • Positive school conduct ensured


EDUFIN creator Salis is an attorney at law and a certified public accountant. The multi-award-winning attorney graduated from Ahmadu Bello University and the University of Lagos in Nigeria. He is a sustaining member of the New York State Bar Association.

As the founder of Salis Law, he has traveled extensively to South and West Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Accolades achieved by the political consultant include the Lagos State Police Command Peace Award, Distinguished Men of Achievement Award, and recognition for Patriotic and Selfless Service to Nigeria.

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