Legal Guide

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Costs And Your Attorney

Various Americans experience a sort of cash related emergency yearly and need to file for bankruptcy. If you're experiencing the equivalent, and it's hindering your ability to manage your debts, by then the most ideal way out might be to request a bankruptcy discharge. The initial move to file for bankruptcy discharge is picking the correct bankruptcy to file for. Right when you've picked the fitting bankruptcy type, you by then need the associations of a bankruptcy attorney to help with the case. Regardless, which bankruptcy attorney would be best for you to go for?

You may have read one of the other articles covering these attributes (here). 5 things are very important to Ascend when deciding who to partner with in terms of bankruptcy. Let’s talk about rates today.

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Attorney Rates

Top-notch attorneys may come with a heavy price tag. They often also understand the law, especially if you are looking to try to get the legal, lowest Chapter 13 payment in bankruptcy or wonder how much cash you can keep in Chapter 13. Thus, you should consider their fees before deciding. It’s essential that you consider the attorney fees so that you don’t incur debts when filing for bankruptcy. The attorney that is defending you will determine the bankruptcy fees. The type of bankruptcy also affects the amount.

It’s not always the best to go for an option because it’s cheap. However, high fees do not always mean that you’ll get a good legal representation. You must know how to strike a balance between the kind of legal representation you need and the cost of filing a case.

What goes into a fee can depend on location. For example, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy Florida may be more expensive than a Chapter 13 bankruptcy Alabama.

Fixed vs. Variable Rates

When searching around for rates to file for bankruptcy, it is important to take into account fixed and variable rates. There are attorneys that will be charging rates that are going to be hourly and fixed. One issue that can come with working with an attorney that charges hourly is that you may try to minimize the amount of time spent with them to save money. It is imperative that you spend as much time as possible with your attorney to make sure you are putting yourself in the best possible position.

On the flip side, some attorneys may charge their fixed rates higher than normal to compensate for individuals that don’t want to spend a lot of time with the attorney. There are clear differences when it comes to fixed and variable rates, but at the end of the day it is most important to find that the one that works in your budget and is highly credible.

The rate also may depend on the type of bankruptcy. For example, if you are comparing Chapter 7 vs Chapter 11, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney may charge a fixed rate while a Chapter 11 bankruptcy may charge an hourly rate given the complexity of the case.

How Rate Compares With Others in Area

An additional thing to note is how rates compare with others in different areas. Some attorneys will be charging different rates based on the location they are serving. There are numerous reasons for this to be the case, but it’s important to mention as some people may think that there is dishonesty going on. For example, the cost of a bankruptcy attorney is around $1,525.00 (Amount stated by Upsolve), while in New York, the cost of a bankruptcy attorney is around $1,257.50 (Amount stated by Upsolve).


The bankruptcy attorney rates are going to change based on your location, even looking granular, sometimes rates will be different based on the city you are living in. Some top-notch attorneys can have a huge number attached, so it is critical to check and see the fees that are attached. In addition to the attached fees, some attorneys will charge hourly compared to a fixed rate. Sometimes, the hourly rate can make the most sense but it’s important to run a cost analysis on that. Nevertheless, make sure to assess all of the fees, fixed vs. variable rates, and rates in other areas, before making your final decision.

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