Legal Guide

Dealing with Road Accident Cases in Ireland

During the COVID-19 pandemic there have been fewer people on the roads in Ireland. This would make you think that there are less accidents because there are less people driving. However, this isn’t the case. When there are less cars and traffic, people drive faster. Speeding and driving under the influence have led to more crashes and more fatalities. These increases have occurred across Europe.

While every country is different, many are trying to change their streets to make them safer and more effective. Ireland is taking a lot of steps to mitigate road traffic and deal with the aftermath. If you’ve been in an accident recently, there are a few steps you need to take to see to it that you get the compensation you deserve for your troubles.

The Scene of the Accident

When you first get into an accident, it is important to do the right thing at the scene. First you should make sure that the people are okay and then determine the condition of the vehicles. You should also be cordial and amicable, but it is important to get all of the information from the other party. You should call the Gardai immediately and report the incident. If you don’t call them, it could cause some problems. If they do not come to the scene you risk the other party lying about the accident. The Gardai report is important, especially if the other party denies the results of the accident. Be honest with them about what happened and what is wrong with your car.

When there are witnesses of the accident, you should make sure to get all of their necessary information. If you don’t get their information, it is possible that you will lose your case. Another thing you should do is get the registration number of the other vehicle, which is the most important piece of information. Some drivers have taken the insurance information of the driver only to discover that their insurance was faulty or non-existent. According to McGinley, which is known for giving road traffic accident claims advice, getting the insurance from the other driver can be the difference between getting compensation and receiving nothing in return.

Things you Shouldn’t Do

The main thing that you shouldn’t do is admit liability at the scene of the accident. A lot of people are surprised to learn that is actually often a condition of the insurance policy to avoid admitting fault after the accident. Even when there is blatantly someone at fault, if you admit that you were going too fast or missed a sign. You would be surprised about how many people accidentally admit that they were at fault when they really weren’t.

Another thing you should avoid is leaving the accident until all of the necessary information has been exchanged. If you encounter an irritable driver who insists that the vehicles should stay in their place until the Gardai arrive. This is why it is important to figure out quickly whether or not the Gardai should be called out to document the accident. If it is necessary, don’t wait and make sure they get out there as soon as possible. Should they be unnecessary, you should politely say to that you have fulfilled your obligations. Make sure to remain at the accident if the Gardai are coming.

Be careful not to take what the other person says as law. It may not be literal or they may change their minds. The person may admit liability before going back on it and changing their story. Needless to say this can really complicate things. You should get them to admit fault in writing to be safe. It is important not to think that what they tell you will stay the same once the party has realized the reality of their situation.

When you have been in an accident, it’s important to be careful and follow the above steps. Don’t admit liability, get the necessary information from them, and call the Gardai if it’s necessary. Then, once you have dealt with the immediate results of the accident, you should contact a professional solicitor to ensure that you can receive the compensation that you deserve for your time, troubles, property, and emotional damages.

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