Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 230)

Golden Rules To Remember When Injured At Work

Being injured while at work is definitely not something that anyone wants. In the event that the worker was not the one at fault, it is very important that proper steps are taken because the party that is as fault is going to have to be held accountable for what happened. In most cases the company that the injured person works for is the one that will be sued. Insurance coverage is normally... ❯❯❯

How Will The Criminal Defense Lawyer Help You Out?

When you need such a service, hiring the criminal defense lawyer is a huge necessity. No 2 situations are the same. Even the smallest case detail will have an impact on the outcome. The lawyer is the person that knows exactly what has to be done in order to get the best possible result, especially when dealing with the court of law. The big problem is that people do not really understand how... ❯❯❯

Guide on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Declaration

Guide on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy DeclarationChapter 13 bankruptcy is filed when an individual is having problem paying for their debts. By filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will be able to get discharged from some of the debts. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is different than chapter 7 bankruptcy as you are allowed to keep your properties while repaying the debt in a repayment plan that has been approved by the court. There are a number of... ❯❯❯

Polygamy Trial Gets Underway In Arizona, Is It Freedom Of Religion? Lawyers Hope Judge Will See It That Way

The government seems to be setting off clashes across the country. People growing tired of stagnant wages, political posturing, and court officiated laws; trials are set to begin this week in both Arizona and Utah to determine whether being able to marry more than one person is a right of freedom, a right of religion, or just plain illegal. While at the same time, a community is being sued due to... ❯❯❯

Can General Motors Escape Responsibility In Bellwether Trial And Other Ignition Switch Cases On The Horizon?

Not much was being decided over the holiday season, besides the inability for General Motors to get their way. A US judge Wednesday rejected the lawyers representing GM’s request for dismissal of the highly publicized “bellwether” case, which allegedly places responsibility for defective ignition switches to General Motor produced vehicles. Setting a trial for January 11th of this year, lots of... ❯❯❯

Atticus Finch Would Not Approve: 5 Strange Ways to Control the Courtroom

Lawyers have exploited psychological principles to manipulate the courtroom for centuries. From what to say and how to say it, where to stand, what suit to wear, and so on, there are many details that can influence the jury’s perception about your client. Some lawyers argue that these psychology-based advocacy techniques threaten to alter the jury’s capacity to evaluate evidence objectively and... ❯❯❯

6 Reasons to Silence Your Social Media Accounts

6 Reasons to Silence Your Social Media AccountsIf you’re arrested, the police will always read you your Miranda rights, starting with “You have the right to remain silent.” Most people are well-aware that it’s in their best interests to take advantage of this right, and they remain mum until their criminal attorneys in Boston is present. The problem is, people don’t always realize that their social media accounts are speaking volumes on their... ❯❯❯

4 Important Reasons Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

If you are faced with a personal injury that is caused by any third party, you can and should opt for compensation. It is something that is available by law. Always focus on getting the help that you need and hiring someone that has a lot of experience. No matter what you may think at the moment, the attorney will help out a lot. Here are some reasons why. The Attorney Knows The Value The Claim... ❯❯❯

10 Facts about Hilary Clinton worth reading

10 Facts about Hilary Clinton worth readingIn this article, we want to share 10 facts about Hillary Clinton and her relationship with law and the legal system. While Hilary may not have been as focused on the legal side of her career as the elder law attorneys at in her early professional years,there are still a few things about her that you may find surprising. Did you know that Hillary and Bill Clinton met in the... ❯❯❯

Hiring a Divorce Lawyer – How to Approach It the Right Way

Hiring a Divorce Lawyer – How to Approach It the Right WayIf the time has come for you to seek a divorce, it can be a very difficult moment in your life. A good divorce attorney can make things easier by explaining to you everything that is involved in ending your marriage from a legal perspective, and what sort of resolutions you can seek for things involving finances, assets and, if you have children, custody and access. However, because for most... ❯❯❯

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