Legal Guide

Personal Injury Claim- What to do After an Accident

Getting involved in an accident can be a nightmare, especially if it leads to severe injuries and damages. The experience can be traumatizing and confusing, but the steps you take afterward determine how your personal injury claim will play out. That being said, here is what you should do immediately after the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

If you were involved in an accident and sustained injuries, it's imperative to seek medical attention and get a diagnosis before making a personal injury claim. Doing this will not only help you recover faster, but it may help prove your case down the line.

Keep in mind that failure to seek medical attention can substantially reduce the number of damages you're able to recover. Also, if the accident was on the road, ensure you note down the party at fault's vehicle registration number and the damage inflicted as it will help you create a solid claim.

Make the Claim as Soon as Possible

To ensure you get the best from the unfortunate incident, you'll want to make the claim immediately. Processing a claim as soon as possible ensures all the details of the accident are fresh in your mind, reducing the chances of missing important facts.

If you delay, you might end up in a worse financial hurdle and make the claim harder to pursue.

Keep a Record of the Journey

As soon as the accident occurs, ensure you make a record of everything that might be relevant to your case according to lawyers at the Chris Hudson Law Group. This includes things like medical bills, care received from loved ones due to the accident, records of loss of wages, insurance records, photos and videos of the accident, medical diagnosis papers, etc.

Be Careful of What You Say

This is especially important as the scene of the accident. Avoid making statements that might compromise your claim down the line. You are under no obligation to say who was at fault, apologize or provide any additional information.

Also, be careful about what you say on social media. Insurance adjusters will look for anything you said during this period, in an attempt to make the least settlement possible. Keep in mind that insurance companies are in business and will do whatever they can to avoid making compensations.

Do Not Sign any Document Unless You Fully Understand It

Ensure you take the time to go through every document regarding your claim before signing anything. Keep in mind that some documents may be sent sometime after the accident. Be particularly careful if the form asks you to release the other party from liability or waive your right to a lawyer. Ideally, pay attention to funding agreements and ensure you consult an attorney to ascertain the amount offered is fair.

Do Your Homework on The Legal Process and The Kind of Lawyer You Need

If you're feeling confused and overwhelmed about the whole legal process, do not fret, as personal injury law is complex in nature. As such, you'll want to seek the services of a reputable personal injury lawyer. It's important to have basic guidelines to help you through the legal process and get rid of some of the hurdles it presents.

Keep in mind that not all personal injury attorneys are the same. Some take on all cases, while others specialize in certain areas. There may be a lawyer more suitable for your case than another.

Do Not Accept the First Offer You Get

If this is your first time being involved in an accident that wasn't your fault and have pursued a personal injury claim, you might be tempted to settle for the first offer you get from the other party. However, it's advisable to turn it down, as it most likely won't reflect your total losses.

Until you've completed a full medical exam and the case has been assessed by your lawyer, avoid settling the claim as there might be future costs that haven't been accounted for.

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